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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Captain America Comics
Page Count: 52
Genre: Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: May 1946
Country: United States
Cap and Bucky head to Algiers to investigate the theft of relief supplies. Their host is a Spaniard who calls himself "Mike Reilly" because he admires American culture. Unknown to Cap and Bucky, Mike is actually the villain of the story since he likes to imagine himself as an American gangster. Cap and Bucky have a series of adventures in Algiers in which they investigate the Casbah, but they are attacked by the local criminal element. A Casbah girl with a crush on Cap named Sari leads Cap and Bucky to safety and tells them they should not return to the Casbah because they represent the law and order element of society. Cap suspects Mike of being the supply thief, but doesn't really know until he offers to pay an informant for information and Mike has him killed. After Cap deals with Mike, Bucky comes across Sari in her room with her veil down surrounded by pictures of Cap. She makes him promise not to tell Cap her secret, and he agrees, because he sees her with her veil down and she is actually quite homely.

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