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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Captain America
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 1.00 USD; 1.25 CAD; 0.60 GBP
Cover Date: April 1990
Country: United States
Diamondback sets up a meeting with Captain America but ends up getting diverted into the sewers where the Skeleton Crew is trying to rescue the Red Skull from the Hellfire Club. As the Black Queen and her Hellfire soldiers battle the Crew, Cap arrives and joins the fray. As both groups of villains escape, Selene drops the roof of the sewer on top of Cap and Diamondback.; Red Skull is trapped in a pitch black underground bunker and his mind begins to play tricks on him. He is visited by people from his past who all try to convince him to commit suicide. Only his most hated enemy, Captain America, tells him to hold on and survive.