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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Captain America
Page Count: 88
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.25 USD; 2.70 CAD; 1.10 GBP
Cover Date: May 1992
Country: United States
Namor attacks a group of eskimos and throws their god into the sea. When the ice melts, the figure trapped within turns out to be Captain America. The Avengers rescue Cap but a mysterious figure turns our heroes to stone. Cap meets Rick Jones and they enlist the help of the Teen Brigade in trying to find the man responsible. The man is an alien and he agrees to restore the Avengers if they agree to help him recover his space ship. The Avengers pull the ship from the ocean but are attacked by Namor. The restored spaceship blasting off drives off Namor and his men. Cap joins the team.; The Avengers flee the Kree homeworld but are forced to leave Cap behind. Cap is brought before the Supreme Intelligence who forces him to fight six of his greatest foes. The Kree leader wants Cap dead so he can absorb his essence but Cap has other ideas.; When the Flag Smasher captures D-Man, he sends a challenge to Captain America to come and rescue his friend. With Cap off planet, Falcon and U.S.Agent answer the call.; In hour twenty-five of her captivity, Diamondback gets a chance to kill the sleeping Crossbones but, even as she reflects on the way he wrecked her life and her family in the past, she realizes that she can't do it.