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Publisher: D.C. Thomson
Title: Commando
Page Count: 68
Genre: Non-fiction, War
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 0.90 GBP
Cover Date: June 2003
Country: United Kingdom
On the outbreak of WW1, rival workforces from the Yorkshire town of Pendeton join up. They bring their differences with them, fighting each other regularly. This gets them such a bad reputation that when they are shipped to Gallipoli the brass hold them back from the front and work them as stevedores. Their commanding officers work hard to get the men to co-operate. It takes a fatal accident on the beaches to make the men see sense. The situation demands they be used, but the brass still hesitate, eventually sending them to some reserve trenches. Here they distinguish themselves when the Turkish forces break through, holding out until the retreat is a success. Trial by fire creates a bond between the rivals that will last out the war.