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Publisher: D.C. Thomson
Title: Commando
Page Count: 68
Genre: Non-fiction, War
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 0.90 GBP
Cover Date: June 2003
Country: United Kingdom
Set in Roman Britain. Calfyr, a Brigante, is serving reluctantly as a Roman auxiliary. With some like minded men, he tries to prevent some Roman depredations prior to the battle of Mons Graupius. They are stockaded, but manage to escape prior to the battle, and decide to head north and fight on against the invaders. They fall in with some Caledonian survivors of the battle, and eventually join them. They agree to escort the young Bryag, rightful heir of the Abatti, to safety, and journey even further north, accompanied by warrior druid Talavan. As well as the Romans, they have to contend with other hostile tribes and a traitor within their own ranks. The story concludes with them hold up on an isle off the coast.