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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Crazy Magazine
Page Count: 84
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Fantasy, Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 1.25 USD
Cover Date: April 1982
UPC: 0714860290404
Country: United States
Fred's bad luck seems to change when he gets to appear as a contestant on the Soul Feud game show. He wins a Caddyrock convertible, $1,000 in food stamps and a year's supply of watermelon, but the IRS audit Fred and throw him in prison for taxes on watermelon.; Parody of the film "The Poseidon Adventure".; Charlie Surtur is through with his lease but Lefty the Large Realtor wants to sell him on a new home - the planet Earth.; A man is bedeviled by nature no matter where he goes.; A bird hatches from its egg and emerges from its mother's mouth.; A teenager imagines himself as a prisoner on trial when he's actualy being grounded by his parents.; A man puts on zit remover; it removes his head.; A student who is supposed to be studying microbes under a slide instead imagines a tiny prison.; A shark swallows a woman but spits her out again almost immediately.; Charlie is always on edge so Mr. Yung suggests he try Sinka caffeine-free coffee. Charlie goes through caffeine withdrawl and murders his family, then himself.