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Publisher: Warren
Title: Creepy
Page Count: 68
Genre: Science Fiction
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 1.00 USD
Cover Date: May 1976
Country: United States
A love story that takes place in a "Night of the Living Dead" type environment. Bands of the dead hunt the few remaining live creatures left to drink their blood. An undead girl finds a living man in a mountain cave and she falls in love with him. There is something strange about her, since she is not completely like the other dead, and she can conceive. When her pregnancy begins to show, the other undead members of her family realize that there is a living man nearby and they succeed in locating and capturing him. The girl rushes back to the cabin when she finds him missing from the cave and uses the cross as a weapon against her family to prevent them from cutting his throat and drinking his blood. The father uses his shotgun point blank and blows off half her face. The family make a deal with her to spare the man. They breed the two of them, and drink the blood of the infant children that result from their pairings.; The arrival of an alien being re-animates the murdered corpse of Joseph Prentiss. Upon his re-awakening, he seeks vengance on his murderers, only to be stopped by the visiting alien.

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