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Publisher: DC
Title: DC Special
Page Count: 68
Genre: Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.50 USD
Cover Date: February 1976
Country: United States
Zegors, a highly evolved gila monster form, have the earth under attack in 5700 AD, and the ruling Solarite council brings Hal Jordan to defeat them. He does so by destroying their main weapon and is returned to the present, with no knowledge of his adventure.; Tom Kalmaku's father and Jimmy Dawes had stumbled on a gold mine and split the map for keeping while Dawes raised money to work it, but Tom's father died and Dawes lost his map while gambling. Duke Danfield won the map half and steals Tom's half to find the gold, but Green Lantern defeats his gang and Tom discovers Hal's secret identity as Green Lantern.; Hal Jordan is sent on a mission to convince Katma Tui to remain a Green Lantern, though she has announced her resignation upon the end of her probation period. Hal convinces her using a ruse to show her that her loyaty to the Corps in stronger than her love of Imi Kann.