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Publisher: DC
Title: DCU: Legacies
Page Count: 44
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: November 2010
UPC: 76194127789900711
Country: United States
After the Joker shoots Barbara Gordon, the world turns very dark for both the Lincoln family and the superheroes. As the Lincolns deal with a devastating diagnosis, Bane breaks Batman's back and a more vicious Batman arises in Gotham City, while Superman fights Doomsday across the country, only to die at his hands on the streets of Metropolis.; Once again, Ray Palmer enters Prof. Hyatt's Time Pool as the Atom, this time to solve the mystery of a coin bearing Morgan Le Fey's visage, and witnesses Camelot's forces -- including the Shining Knight, the Silent Knight, and Etrigan the Demon -- battle Morgan's army.