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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Deadpool
Page Count: 44
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: July 2010
Country: United States
Deadpool has made it look like Weasel has robbed the Vegas casino he was supposed to be protecting when it was really him. When Deadpool as The House and Grizzly hit the casino again, Weasel shows up to try and stop them. DP makes it look like Wildcard has incinerated The House. After the dust settles, a confused Weasel tries to sort out his options with Blind Al over the phone when 'Pool shows up to become the sole protector of Vegas. Deadpool has finally become the hero he has always wanted to be. Unfortunately, he finds that this closely resembles a job with regular working hours.; Deadpool tries to keep a band of corporate burglars from making off with whatever it is that corporate burglars steal but is blinded at the beginning of the encounter so has to rely on his trusty "Pool-O-Vision" to guide him through the treacherous battle (and, unlucky for him, Deadpool doesn't have "Pool-O-Vision").