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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Deadpool
Page Count: 44
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 1.95 USD; 2.75 CAD
Cover Date: January 1997
UPC: 75960603703200311
Country: United States
In trying to grow his middle finger back in front of his merc buddies, Deadpool is deeply embarrassed when he finds out that he can't do it. Black Tom taunts Pool by sending him the glove from the hand he removed (in the 2nd Deadpool limited series) and Deadpool collects Siryn so the two can head off to take down her evil uncle. Instead they find Killebrew, one of the doctors who created Deadpool for Weapon X, and he explains that Pool's faulty healing factor is due to the fact that he is dying.