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Publisher: DC
Title: Detective Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Detective-mystery, Humor, Superhero, Western-frontier
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: March 1939
Country: United States
Shorty and Slam help to find out the whereabouts of a Federal agent who disappeared after trailing an escaped felon to Switzerland.; In his first case, the Bat-Man investigates the murder of a chemical tycoon, discovering that one of his partners murdered him to steal the secret contracts that would leave him as the sole owner of the Apex Chemical Corporation.; Speed investigates the murder of two men, on one of which the killers left the symbol of a red crescent, the symbol of the Kurdistan Killers, a sect that both men belonged to, but refused to kill for.; Buck investigates the death of a ranch owner in which a black empty cartridge is left behind as a clue to the killer.; Bart investigates the deaths of members of a Committee on un-American activities that were killed by an explosive capsule hidden in their bananas.; The Crimson tracks down a killer who murdered one Abe Gold for welshing on a $100,000 bet.; Bruce begins his investigation of the death of a young woman due to black magic.; Cosmo is placed on a case involving the illegal smuggling of Chinese into America.; Fu Manchu attempts to kill Greba Eltham, all in an attempt to keep Rev. Eltham from going to China.; Pete and Joe try to discover the whereabouts of the hideout of notorious criminal Louie th' Louse.; Flannigan is sent out on a bank robbery, but stops for a red light so he won't get a ticket!; A young boy scout discovers a lost youngster and attempts to help him find his way home, and gets lost in the process himself!