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Publisher: DC
Title: Detective Comics
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 0.75 USD; 1.00 CAD; 0.40 GBP
Cover Date: June 1987
Country: United States
While Bruce proposes to Rachel, the Reaper attacks the gathered mob bosses. Batman arrives late to the fight, and the Reaper escapes again, while Joe Chill is knocked unconscious. When Chill comes to, Batman takes the thug to the alley where he killed the Waynes and reveals their connection. But before Batman can complete his revenge, the Reaper kills Joe Chill. Batman and the Reaper fight one final time and the Reaper falls to his death. Later, Batman disposes of Joe Chill's gun in the base of the Wayne Foundation Building and Rachel enters the convent to atone for the sins of her father.