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Publisher: Bell Features
Title: Dime Comics
Page Count: 60
Genre: Adventure, Humor, Jungle, Science Fiction, Superhero, War, Western-frontier
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 CAD
Cover Date: April 1944
Country: Canada
Rex tells of his adventures in Xalanta, but without proof few belief him.; Johnny survives falling over the cliff, then has to contend with crocodiles and leopards!; Two men are murdered and Terry is charged with the crime.; The Super Sub heads to disrupt Japanese shipping.; Wilbur is kidnapped by Dr. Mania to send to Mars.; Shaddrac has to sell more mouse traps or be fired.; Mild Will buys a strength potion from a medicine show.; The captain sends Barnacle to the radio to send out an SOS.; The differences between Adenoid and her cousin Maybelle.; The difference with Mr. McJift at work and at home.; The train goes to Alfalfa.