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Publisher: Western
Title: Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan
Page Count: 36
Genre: Jungle
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.15 USD
Cover Date: August 1968
Country: United States
Kala the she-ape adopts a human infant whose parents have just died, and he grows to become Tarzan -- a thinking man, with the physical skills of an ape. When mutineers maroon Jane Porter and her party he falls in love with Jane from afar, and places them under his protection against man, beast, and the elements. Unable to speak her tongue he watches helplessly when she sails away, but vows to find her and make her his mate.; Lygon makes an attempt on the life of Kasla, but Meru's friends stop him. Meru uses drugs and hypnosis to get him to change his ways.