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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Excalibur
Page Count: 56
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.75 USD; 3.25 CAD; 1.45 GBP
Cover Date: May 1992
Country: United States
With realities converging and threatening to destroy the multiverse, Kitty phases the core members of Excalibur into Captain Britain and they stop the time assault. Excalibur still has to take on the awesome power of Necrom. Rachel defeats Necrom and his Anti-Phoenix force but is left in a coma for her troubles. Merlyn gloats over his master plan until Meggan and Captain Britain release their accumulated extra energy by destroying the lighthouse on Otherworld which destroys all of Merlyn's lighthouses in all realities. Excalibur returns to earth and their new base in Braddock Manor.