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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Fear
Page Count: 68
Genre: Horror-suspense
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: July 1971
Country: United States
When an ant is accidentally enlarged and attains human intelligence, it wants to create a giant ant army to take over the world.; Lucius Gregory builds a house from haunted trees, which means he can never get rid of the ghost.; A scientist creates a robot to unite Cold War rival nations against an alien invasion that will never materialize.; A man visiting a coastal town is stranded in an abandoned lighthouse during a storm and sees a ghostly ship and pirates arrive. Next morning he finds a life preserver from the Flying Dutchman.; A man meets an extradimensional being in his nightmares. The being tells him that the world he comes from is a paradise, but boring, and offers to switch places. The man agrees, but the traveller wakes up to find that he entered the dreams of a prisoner.; A man makes a deal with the devil to obtain great wealth.; A lame boy wills himself to the future and his legs are healed before he sends himself home.; An Earth astronaut on Mars has his mind switched with a Martian, who plans to infiltrate Earth.

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