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Publisher: American Comics Group
Title: Forbidden Worlds
Page Count: 52
Genre: Horror-suspense, Non-fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: July 1951
Country: United States
Don Brady decides to take a rest - in the house in which his uncle was doing his experiments in the supernatural. Brady unwittingly unleases Marzo, who grants Brady three wishes in return for his freedom!; it's a slow news day, so the reporter gets the assignment to talk to a local expert on the man-eating wolves of India.; Dickson Prescott is sentenced to die within the hour, while the Governor hears about his strange story.; A woman on her honeymoon disappears when staying at a motel, after a bat enters the room while her husband is sleeping.; In World War I, a ghost medieval cavalry appears to defend Belgium near the town of Bethune.