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Publisher: American Comics Group
Title: Forbidden Worlds
Page Count: 36
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1955
Country: United States
Looking for sunken treasure John Mitchell comes across a water spirit named Undine. She is willing to show John where the treasure is if he promises to take her away with him. He agrees. After he recovers the treasure, he then escapes. Undine comes looking for him to make him fulfill his promise.; Its 1954 and George Denton is a test pilot who is flying a plane over the Himalayas. He crash lands in a land that looks like ancient Greece called New Athens. He finds that the locals there live like the ancient Greeks in content and in harmony. Time moves incredibly slowly there. After deciding that he would rather go back to his home then stay in this paradise, George leaves. When he reaches New York, he finds out how slow time moved in New Athens. For back in civilization it is now the year 2104!; James and Howard Kelley are identical twins that have an almost supernatural telepathic link to one another. One day James was spelunking in a cave and was trapped by a landslide. He then heard his brother calling out to him guiding him to the exit. After James was able to escape, he learned that his brother Howard had died and was guiding him to safety with mental telepathy from beyond the grave.; Marvin Hunter is forced to detour through another road in the countryside by a policeman. During the detour he sees an injured girl who he then takes to the hospital. After going to her home he sees a picture of her late father. He was the policeman!

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