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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Historical
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1953
Country: United States
Ben Bowie and young Jim Prentice find a burned wilderness cabin, reminding Ben of the circumstances in which he found Jim three years earlier. After finding a woman and her young child alive in a hidden cellar in the ruins of the cabin, the four take off in pursuit of Huron Indians who killed the woman's brother and captured her husband. On the way they meet up with trapper Zeke Moss and his blood brother Nakah, an Iroquois Indian. The group finds the Huron camp and after rescuing the captive, Ben, Jim, Zeke, and Nakah decide to stay together.; Zeke and Nakah make a dangerous run with a wagon of ammunition to a fort under siege by Algonquin Indians.; Jim is cornered by a bear in the forest, but manages to escape. With Ben's help he tracks the bear to its den.