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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Adventure, Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: June 1952
Country: United States
Porky and Bugs stow away in a camel's crate thinking they are going to the circus. Instead the camel is being returned to his home in the Sahara Desert. After a long trip in a ship's cargo hold, Porky and Bugs arrive in port where they are discovered and mistakenly sign-up for the Foreign Legion. After weeks as camel-tenders, Bugs and Porky slip away from a patrol and get lost in the desert. There they are captured by the bandit Ali Kazam and Bugs has to quick-talk his way out of the jam with the aid of some quick-growing carrots.; Porky buys a ferryboat and, due to a mix-up, receives a telegram from the Navy to take the boat to a naval training exercise. Bugs and Sylvester go along. When they get there, Bugs and Porky go aboard the commander's ship, where they find the Navy wants to use their boat for target practice. The Naval bombardment starts, but Sylvester is still aboard the ferry. Bugs has to ride a torpedo and guide it past the boat in order to save Sylvester.; Two lemonade stands, one run by Bugs, are built side by side and engage in a price war.; Bugs is a sidewalk salesman, selling unbreakable shoelaces.; Bugs takes some of Elmer's bon bon candies and starts juggling them.