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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: March 1957
Country: United States
Captain Kangaroo buys a new teddy bear. At midnight each night, when all the toys come to life, the bear tries to be something different--a fireman, soldier, and Indian Chief. He fails at all these and decides to be content with just being a teddy bear.; The Captain and Bunny Rabbit act in the play "Captain Kangaroosoe," a take-off on "Robinson Crusoe," with the Captain and Bunny fighting off pirates on a desert island in the South Seas.; Grandfather Clock tells the story of Mr. Bangeroo, who decides to build a boat with the help of Bunny Rabbit and Puppy Dog.; Mr. Green Jeans buys a goat that won't eat regular food, just things like tin cans, window curtains, shirts, shoes, etc.; Mr. Green Jeans shows the Captain his herd of cows, and tells why some cows have horns and some don't.; The Captain feeds a lion at the zoo.