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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 52
Genre: Children, Humor
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: July 1947
Country: United States
A tough new kid, Atomic Bomb, is in town. Henry accidentally challenges him to a fight. While in training Henry gets knocked out and dreams he is a flying hero, complete with a magic cape. After the fight, which Henry wins with the aid of a falling tree, he tries to raise money to buy a toy panda to give to Henrietta.; Henry pretends he has a toothache in order to get his uncle to the dentist to have two teeth filled. Henry goes to the movies and watches a cartoon--a Henry cartoon!--which he doesn't like and demands his money back. Later he starts a dog laundry, but ends up taking more baths than the dog.; A timid diver causes a delay on the diving board.; Henry fills a cream puff with so much filling it explodes.; Henrietta knits an ill-fitting sweater for Henry, but Henry decides it looks better on his dog.