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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: April 1956
Country: United States
Taffy dreams she is Cinderella.; When Pepper gets in trouble for chasing cats, Taffy puts a cat's mask on him and he starts to think he's a cat.; When her father and his boss Mr. Jerkimer fall asleep after drinking coffee with sleeping powder in it, Taffy has to think up a way to fool a client who is coming to the office on business.; Horace's boss, Mr. Jerkimer, and his wife come to the Dripple's house for dinner. Taffy inadvertently serves them some appetite suppressing pills as pre-meal candy and the pair can't eat the dinner Dotty has prepared. The children take the dinner to the house of a poor boy they had met earlier that day.; Taffy carefully takes some bottles in to redeem for the deposit so she can get an ice cream cone.; Taffy gets a fortune from a weighing machine that says she is kind to her elders. However, when she helps an old lady across the street, she gets her dress splashed by a passing car.