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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: May 1957
Country: United States
Uncle Dooley, the prospector, comes to visit and thinks he's found uranium in the Dripple's neighbor's yard.; In order for Pepper to have a dog to play with, Taffy is forced to do chores for Hector, the mean farm boy.; Taffy spends a week working for Mrs. Browne to earn $12 to buy a birthday present for her father. As she is going to buy the present, she gives into temptation and buys herself a doll for $7. Later she meets Patty, who has lost a $5 bill her father gave her to buy some things for him and who is afraid she'll be punished when she goes home. Taffy gives her the $5 she has left and gets her father a card for a quarter. Taffy's mother thinks Mrs. Browne only paid her a quarter for the week's work and tells her off, which sets off a feud between the two families.; Horace punishes Taffy for not bringing his briefcase to his office promptly by telling her she has to spend the rest of the day in room at home. Her mother doesn't see her come home and she and Horace think Taffy's run away from home.; Taffy tries to sell her old dresses to her friends in order to buy a new one for a party. Her friends don't have any money, so she ends up giving the dresses to them.; Horace has Taffy play the Minute Waltz on the piano four times to time his four-minute boiled egg.; When Dotty is sick, the rest of the family tries to fix lunch. Dotty ends up doing it herself.; Taffy decides to run away from home, but only gets as far as the yard before pitching a pup tent.