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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: March 1956
Country: United States
Daffy pretends to be a good fairy and tricks Elmer into believing he has become a baby.; The employment agency sends Bugs to be Elmer's helper at his gas station.; Elmer moves out of the city to raise sheep. Daffy shows up and tries to prevent rustlers from stealing Elmer's sheep.; Elmer and his cousin Hugh go to the jungle to bring back a "Proboscis Boruminto," an insect that feeds on the carrot weevils that are eating Elmer's carrots.; Elmer tells a door-to-door salesman the price on his shower cap is too high.; Bugs plays some records on the sidewalk in front of Elmer's record store to try to attract some business.; Elmer is all tired-out from trying to hitchhike, but when he does get a ride he has to help Bugs pump a railroad handcar.; Elmer can't twirl a rope until he starches it stiff.