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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1957
Country: United States
Elmer's rich Uncle Cosmo comes to visit and Daffy gets annoyed when Cosmo assumes Daffy is Elmer's pet duck.; Baby Face Fenton, who looks and dresses exactly like Elmer, robs a bank. Elmer is afraid that he will be mistaken for Baby Face and decides to hide out in a vacant house near town. Unfortunately, Baby Face also decides to make that house his hide-out.; While working as a janitor in a museum, Elmer accidentally breaks a statue of a Boo-Boo Bird. The museum sends Elmer to the tropical island of Bootania to get another Boo-Boo Bird statue.; Elmer trades his cheese shop for a shoe factory. However, it turns out to be a failed horseshoe factory. He and Daffy look for ways to peddle the surplus horseshoes.; Elmer fires at flocks of flying ducks, who change formation to mock him.; Daffy wears stilts while fishing to fool Elmer into stepping into deep water.; Elmer buys a small sweater for his turtle.