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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Jungle
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1959
Country: United States
Francis and Peter mistake a tramp steamer for the Staten Island Ferry and are taken to Africa. There the pair decide that guiding safaris would be a good way to earn money to get home. Their first customer wants to photograph a zebra, so Peter paints Francis black and white to fool him.; After guiding the safari, Francis and Peter are lost in the jungle. They are captured by a tribe of cannibals, who plan on cooking them. Francis tells them to stop and the cannibals worship him as a god. Francis and Peter escape when an enemy tribe attacks.; Francis and Peter go hunting for diamonds at Diamond River, not knowing that the diamonds they found are phony ones from the shooting of a movie.; Francis is bored by the scenery in Africa.; Francis pretends to be a mounted trophy hanging on a wall.; Deep in the unexplored jungle, Francis and Pete find some natives--selling souvenirs.