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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1952
Country: United States
Frosty lets the kids borrow his magic top hat to get it cleaned, but in an accident it is exchanged with a magician's top hat. Frosty's hat has a series of owners and misadventures before it is returned to its rightful wearer.; Frosty and his friends rescue some ducks who have become frozen in the ice while swimming in a pond. They thaw them out by taking them to a hot springs spa.; Bobbie fools Frosty into cleaning the snow off the sidewalk for him. He then plays another trick on Frosty that ends up covering the sidewalk with snow again. This time Bobbie falls while shoveling and hurts his wrist. Frosty finishes the job for Bobbie, who is now ashamed of how he acted.; On Christmas Eve, Frosty decides the animals of the forest deserve a Christmas party. Frosty, Jack Frost, and the animals trim a fir tree in the forest. Santa then arrives after receiving a note from Frosty.; Frosty convinces a woodchopper to spare a tree that is home to a pair of squirrels.; Frosty finds Oliver the Polar Bear, who has escaped from the zoo because his pool wasn't cold enough.; Frosty takes a vacation in a refrigerated railroad boxcar.