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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Animal, Children, Nature, Non-fiction, Western-frontier
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1960
Country: United States
Two bandits take advantage of a re-enactment of an old-time train robbery to rob a modern train nearby. They escape on the old steam train then transfer to a jeep. Joey and Packy are following on their horses but get captured when the crooks' jeep gets stuck. Fury gets away and brings Jim and others to the rescue.; Joey and Packy find a bounty hunter using a cave on the Broken Wheel ranch as a base for his wolf hunts. Aside from trespassing, the hunter is cruelly using a fawn as bait for the wolves. With Jim and Pete gone overnight, Joe and Packy return to try to rescue the fawn. They fail, but find evidence that the hunter is poaching beaver and otters. The boys then lead the hunter on a chase through a cave and later, with Fury's help, hold off a pack of attacking wolves.; Facts about train robberies in the old West.