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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Historical, Non-fiction, Western-frontier
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: March 1958
Country: United States
Two white men, Jake Collins and Hans Bachus, engage Indians to help them with a racket. They sell wagons to settlers; the Indians ambush the settlers and take the wagons and their contents; then Collins and Bachus sell the wagons again. Unable to prove his charges, Hawkeye buys the wagons himself and sets out on the trail to see what happens.; The leader of a fur-trading company makes a deal with Huron Indians to provide them with rifles and gunpowder in exchange for their furs. He gives the Indians rifles, but has no gunpowder. The Indians attack Sam Durbin's trading post in search of gunpowder.; Facts about Indian alliances with the French and English in 18th Century North America.; Facts about Indian methods of fighting the early settlers of North America.