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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime, Non-fiction, Western-frontier
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1959
Country: United States
Pearson and Morgan are sent to the Gulf area to investigate the Carlson gang. On the way they are to stop at Stardale to pick up Morgan's nephew Ricky Brian. Before the two can get to Stardale, a hurricane strikes. After taking refuge until the hurricane passes, the Rangers continue to Stardale, finding it hard hit by the hurricane. The Carlson gang happens by and decides this would be a good time to rob the bank. The Rangers have to track the gang, despite not having found Morgan's nephew among the survivors.; Three outlaws ambush Pearson and Morgan and wound Morgan. After tending to Morgan, Pearson tracks the outlaws to their camp and captures them.; The story of Pattillo "Bud" Higgins, who was the catalyst for the drilling of the first oil well in Beaumont, Texas, in 1901. It was a gusher that sparked the establishment of the Texas oil industry.; Facts about the history of the Texas Rangers during the time of Texas's annexation to the United States.; Facts about the first cattle drive through Texas, headed by Oliver Loving, who blazed what would become the "Sedalia Trail."; The Texas Rangers' efforts in 1880 to find the secret water holes of Apache Indian raiders along the Texas-New Mexico border.