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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Drama, Humor
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1948
Country: United States
Peg becomes a successful dress designer. Her former husband, band leader and movie star Peter La Plata (Bill Slagg), tries to take their son away from his parents, who are raising the boy in the boarding house where Peg and Annie are staying. (Not knowing that the boy is Peg's son.) Failing in his attempt to get his parents to give him the boy, La Plata breaks his wrist while taking a swing at Sam the tailor, which sets a series of events in motion that leads to his downfall.; Three Sunday strips edited into one set of jokes. 1) Really? No, Riley! 2) Saving three dollars a week. and 3) Do those tattoos wash off?; Three strips edited to form one page: 1) Deaf as a Post, 2) Same old baloney, and 3) "Knuckles" Finnegan.; Three strips edited to form one page: 1) Die at 98 or 47?, 2} He who laughs last--Lasts!, and 3) Honesty pays.