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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1953
Country: United States
Tubby gets involved with a trio of kids playing cowboy outside a bank. When the trio go inside they actually rob the bank instead of pretending. Tubby is suspected of being an accomplice and has to flee. Eventually Willy, Eddie, and Iggy find him hiding in the forest and he turns himself in to the police for questioning. The police don't believe him and follow him when he's released. After being given the cold shoulder by the rest of the kids, who all think he was part of the gang, Tubby decides to find the robbers himself. He discovers there are midgets working the rodeo in the next town and spends almost all his money taking a bus there. He talks his way into the rodeo and finds that those midgets are the bank robbers. Tubby survives an attempt to trample him and then ends up in a horseback chase with the robbers.; While aiming for a fire hydrant, Tubby accidentally lassoes the dog catcher while he's chasing a dog. Tubby escapes by tying the rope to a tree while the dog catcher is searching some bushes.; Tubby gets a new cowboy outfit and keeps it clean even when he is "shot."; Tubby pretends to shoot his six-shooters at a tiny little girl, but then has to flee when she chases him with her doll.; Tubby fools his friends by drilling holes in a poster on a wood fence before demonstrating his "shooting" ability.