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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 52
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Western-frontier
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1949
Country: United States
Porky is truant officer. Cicero and his friend are out fishing, thinking it is Saturday, and Porky disguises himself as an (Asian) Indian prince in order to try to capture them.; Porky is running a bill collection agency. When the circus comes to town, Petunia sends him to the circus management to collect $15 for a dress that was ruined by an elephant the last time the circus was there. The manager gives Porky an old, tame lion to settle the debt, but that just starts a string of trouble for Porky.; While on a vacation at a ranch, Petunia nags Porky about not being a he-man. Petunia is abducted by The Krisco Kid, who looks like Porky, except with a pointed black moustache. Porky finds the Kid's hideout and beats him up--much to Petunia's dismay.; Petunia sends Porky to the forest in a rainstorm to gather some nuts for the fudge she is making. When Porky gets to the forest he finds two squirrels, Cuthbert and Chauncey, are hogging all the nuts.; Porky's nosy neighbor keeps criticizing the things Porky allows Cicero to do.; Porky goes to a memory expert, then decides that tying a piece of string around his finger would be just as good.; Cicero tries to knock off Porky's high silk hat with snowballs, but the hat appears to dodge them without Porky's help.; Cicero makes fun of Porky's attempt to paint a flower.