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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children, Fantasy
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: October 1953
Country: United States
Rootie builds a new clubhouse. He finds that it is over a tunnel that leads to an old house that is the hideout of Poison Zoomack; Rootie uses the magic Kazootie to make Gala-Poochie big enough to ride on and then wishes he was back in the days of King Arthur and his Knights.; Rootie reads Poochie the story "Pup in Boots," about a puppy who was always scared before being given magic boots.; Rootie takes Junior Mash to visit his Zany Zoo, which has a hatchet-nosed Plorn, a Zizzle, a Prux, a Quirn, and a Glurk.; A boy keeps pulling the ribbon out of Dottie's hair.; Rootie won't let Dottie ride with him and the rest of the boys in their homemade racer; but she makes herself useful fixing them up after they crash into a tree.; Rootie has to give Gala-Poochie a bath, but Poochie gets the last laugh when Rootie has to take a bath himself.; Dottie's idea to shake an apple tree to get an apple has unintended results.