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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 52
Genre: Adventure
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1947
Country: United States
After taking Jack Beaverduck on a business trip, Jack decides to make the return trip without resting. On the flight back he falls asleep and has to make a forced landing. He makes his way home only to find that Joy, his new bride, has the measles and is under quarantine. Joy's mother tries to take advantage of the situation to have the marriage annulled. Later Jack makes a daring landing on the Beaverduck Estate and he and Joy escape to start married life on their own.; After seeing how happy Jack and Joy are after their marriage, Downwind Jackson decides he should get married, too. The only problem is he can't decide who his bride should be.; Joy buys a midget racing plane and intends to set a non-stop record from New York to Rio de Janiero. Jack takes it on a test flight.; Over Jack's objections, Joy takes off on her non-stop flight to Rio de Janiero. After she passes Cuba she gets caught in a tropical storm.; Buffeted by the storm, Joy's plane goes out of control and she must bail out into the ocean. Later Jack and Downwind lead a search party that finds the wreckage of the plane. Jack returns home but is haunted by the memories of his wife.; Grief-stricken, Jack decides to take solo flight out to sea.