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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Non-fiction, Western-frontier
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1960
Country: United States
When Jim Hardie and his stage are delayed by a boulder on the road, he and the driver find their intended gold shipment has been picked up by another Wells Fargo stage and signed for by a driver that Hardie knows to be dead. Hardie tracks down the "ghost stage" but eventually realizes that this robbery was just meant to distract him from an even larger gold robbery using another fake driver.; Left for dead in a stage robbery, the guard manages to crawl inside the stage and send it to the next stop. As the guard recovers he sends for Jim Hardie. He tells Hardie who the gunmen are and Hardie rides off to question one of them. Meanwhile a hard-of-hearing old busybody is listening in and after getting a couple of drinks tells the story at a nearby saloon. One of the robbers is at the saloon and hears the gossip. He rides to the same ranch as Hardie, but he plans on leaving no witnesses.; Facts about the fast drivers of Wells Fargo stages, called "Jehu"s. One particular jehu, Charlie Parkhurst, was discovered, years after he retired, to have been a woman.