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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1958
Country: United States
Hans and Fritz fall into an underground cave while digging for worms to use as bait for oyster fishing. After walking a while in the cave, they find Professor Barium Borax, who is looking for emeralds in his Molemobile.; Paprika, the President of Banana, sends a message for help by stork to The Captain. The Captain, Hans, and Fritz go by boat to the island where they find that Paprika has gone broke buying postage stamps from General Tabasco. The General will take over the country unless Paprika can come up with 2,000 pazasters.; Fritz dresses a monkey in his clothes to do his violin practice while he goes swimming with Hans. The monkey plays better than Fritz does.; A bird follows Hans and Fritz home and tries to eat a mounted fish hanging on a wall.; Fritz tries to fool an ostrich by hiding his head in the sand.; Fritz steals a pie from the window sill, but a large bird steals the pie from Fritz.