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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1956
Country: United States
After the jester beats the Little King at checkers 6,206 times in a row, the King tries to figure out the jester's winning move. He is interrupted when King Ookle declares war in response to the Little King forgetting to send him a birthday card. The two Kings engage in a sword fight throughout the castle for hours, then decide to decide the battle with a game of checkers.; After failing to find number 100 of a baseball card set in cereal boxes of Snapples, the Little King embarks on a hunt to find the final card of the set, which entitles the owner to a baseball cap and tickets to the big baseball game.; The Little King buys a castle at a bargain price, only to find it comes complete with a 16th century ghost.; The Little King receives his weekly allowance--one dollar--which he decides to hide to save up for a bicycle.; Bored by a diplomatic meeting, the Little King calls for his "top secret papers"--a pile of Dell comics.; The Little King falls asleep while attending an opera and begins to snore.; The Little King hides in a suit of armor while being chased by the Chef for stealing a pie.