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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1960
Country: United States
Miss Pretty, the Rascals' school teacher, is fired because a science experiment flooded the classroom. Her replacement, Mr. Strict, turns out to be behind the botched experiment which he designed to get Miss Pretty fired. Spanky sabotages Strict's experiments so he will be fired and Miss Pretty will return.; Alfalfa is having to pay "toll" to Toughie McGurk and his gang to cross the street. Alfalfa's Aunt Matilda plucks him from the ensuing scuffle (thinking he had started it) and tells him that he has to play an angel in her Women's Club play. The day of the play, Toughie and his gang waylay the child who's supposed to play the Devil in the play and Toughie dresses in his costume. Alfalfa is strapped in a flying harness for his role in the play, but Toughie mans the controls and gives him a wild ride.; Spanky "borrows" the dog license of Waldo's Great Dane for his dog Scrappy to try to trick the dog catcher; but the dog catcher takes Waldo's dog to the pound instead. The gang tries a variety of methods to get the dog free from the pound.; Spanky's kid sister proves to be the Rascals' secret weapon in their snowball fight with Toughie McGurk and his Pirates.; A policemen stops the Rascals goat-powered cart because it doesn't have license plates.; Alfalfa's violin teacher, Prof. Harmony, takes him to play at his rival Prof. Chord's school, using Alfalfa's poor playing as bad publicity for Prof. Chord.; Outfielder Buckwheat accidentally catches a fly ball with his cap.