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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1959
Country: United States
Timmy and Hanky go into business when their father buys them a do-it-yourself soda fountain. Their only problem is they are doing business on a "buy now, pay later" plan.; Timmy imagines what his family's life would have been like if they had lived in the old West.; Timmy and Hanky and their father attend a boat show in a limousine when their rich friend and her parents can't go. A boat salesman sees them getting out of the limo and tries to sell them an expensive boat. Meanwhile Timmy and Hanky are getting into mischief aboard the boats.; Timmy's mother tries to fix a leaky pipe in the basement.; Timmy and Hanky cause havoc in a pet shop.; Timmy helps his father find his briefcase when he is late for work.; Timmy and Hanky try to help their mother make a cake.; Timmy's father tries to do tricks at the roller-skating rink.