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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1956
Country: United States
Timmy and Hanky play Indian in the back yard.; Timmy and Hanky decide to "play store" by setting up their own checkout line at the grocery store.; Timmy tells Hanky a story about Oogy and Iggy, a pair of stone-age kids.; Timmy and Hanky visit a sick friend and find she has received presents while being ill. Timmy decides to pretend to be ill so he can get presents, too.; Timmy and Hanky's father takes them to a barber shop for haircuts.; Timmy and Hanky's mother takes them to hear an operatic concert.; A salesman calls and Timmy and Hanky are the only ones home.