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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: September 1951
Country: United States
Wiggily helps Pokey Turtle train for a race against his cousin, Trundle Turtle.; Wiggily agrees to watch Butch Bear's wild nephew Cubby for a couple days, but Cubby turns the household into a shambles.; Wiggily teaches Shaggy Wolf how to ride a bicycle.; Wiggily has to help Pokey Turtle find another place to live when Scillery Scallery Alligator decides to take up residence in Pokey's pond.; Uncle Wiggily tricks two boys into spading his garden for him.; Bunty's lumpy cake batter saves her and Uncle Wiggily from the Bad Chaps--The Bobcat and Fuzzy Fox.; Uncle Wiggily seeds some clouds with dry ice to make it rain.