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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Western-frontier
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1958
Country: United States
In 1820, Don Diego returns home from Spain at his father's request, due to the tyranical rule of the pueblo's new Commandante. He decides on the trip over to adopt the guise of a fox to diffuse suspicion from himself when he becomes a man of action, and that his servant will play the part of a deaf and dumb man in order to gather vital information. After listening to his father's recounting of the events on-going in the pueblo, Don Diego decides on a secret course of action to fight Monastario: as Zorro, the Fox! His first assignment is to free a local landowner from false imprisonment.; While Diego shows Bernardo a secret passage through the fireplace to a cavern where he hides out Tornado, Capitan Monastario issues a large reward for the capture of Senor Nacho Torres. While Torres hides out at a local mission, the Capitan seeks to learn the identity of Zorro and arrests a look-alike vaquero named Avila, hoping to draw the real Zorro out of hiding.; Travelogue of several old-Spanish sites that have survived into Modern California.