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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 52
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1950
Country: United States
Two clowns deliver a steel trunk to Goofy, an inheritance from his Uncle Clown Goof. However they didn't leave a key to the trunk, so Mickey and Goofy travel to Clownland to retrieve the key. When they arrive in Clownland they find that Clown Goof's stepson, Clown Blackbeard, the world's most vicious clown, has the key on a string around his neck.; Chief O'Hara comes to Mickey's house late at night to request his help. A string of burglaries has been committed. Each house has been protected by an electric beam which is supposed to detect any intruder. Mickey goes undercover to find the criminal and teams up with a suspect named Dinny the Dandy.; Morty and Ferdie drop hints about what they want for Christmas.; Morty and Ferdie are depressed because there is no place for them to go ice-skating.; Morty and Ferdie get a jigsaw (power saw) for Christmas.