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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Non-fiction, Western-frontier
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1958
Country: United States
Zorro sneaks into the cuartel one night and puts up a Zorro flag, which angers the Capitan. When Garcia attempts to take the flag down, he falls from the greased flagpole into the Commandante and nearby vaqueros laugh. When the Capitan arrests them for laughing at him, he puts them to work repairing the stable roof and orders them to be done by sunset. Then the Capitan "fires" Garcia so he can act as a spy and locate the whereabouts of Zorro, which he does. But Zorro has a big surprise for the Commandante and Garcia!; An unusual sight greets Los Angeles as Don Diego is being brought in, under arrest, by Sergeant Garcia, having been charged with being Zorro. Then the Capitan is notified that the Viceroy is going to make an unexpected visit, Monastario orders the jails emptied and a feast planned, all in order to look good. But the stunner will be the unmasking of Zorro to impress the Viceroy and his daughter! The Viceroy turns the tables on Monastario and later has him and Pina arrested, putting Garcia in charge of the pueblo.; Diego and Bernardo come across a young boy who has traveled all the way from Santa Barbara to find Zorro and join forces with him to fight for the rights of the people. He does find Zorro, who then advises him that, before he can fight, he must learn, and recommends that the boy attend Padre Onora's mission school.