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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: April 1958
Country: United States
Oswald plans to go seek his fortune in Alaska, but the boys plant a subliminal suggestion to go to the tropics instead. The trio ends up on a boat in the Amazon, with a cargo of fur coats and frozen foods. They use those unlikely items to foil a hijacking of a riverboat.; After Oswald accidentally captures a wanted criminal, the boys think he's a hero. Their bragging eventually puts Oswald in the ring against a huge wrestler.; The boys build a homemade boat for Oswald's birthday, but it sinks when Oswald steps foot on it. The next day the boys have to salvage the sunken boat. Oswald has an improbable incident with an outboard motor that ends with the owner of the outboard company giving them a small yacht.; When the canvas top on Oswald's car leaks during a rainstorm, Oswald crawls under the car only to find that oil drips on him there.; Oswald rents a rowboat from one of the boys, but it sinks and he makes his way to a small island. There he finds the other boy selling "Help" messages in a bottle.; When Oswald is resting during a band concert, Floyd and Lloyd douse him with their squirt guns. Oswald rigs his tuba up with a hose and when the boys return, he squirts them with the tuba.; Oswald is eating soup in his trailer when one of its tires goes flat. In order to finish his soup, he uses the car jack to level the table.