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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Sports
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: April 1959
Country: United States
Oswald is sent to cover a baseball team's spring training for a newspaper. After being chased out of the training camp because a series of mishaps, Oswald and the boys find a witch, who teaches Oswald an un-hittable "witch-pitch." Oswald gets to pitch for the team, but later the boys discover it's all a plot by the witch to get all the teams to throw the witch-pitch and ruin baseball.; The boys get new pants, made of a new synthetic material, and the friction of the pant legs generates static electricity which becomes stored in their fluffy tails like a battery. The static charge causes all sorts of problems for the boys.; Beavers are gnawing timbers out of a railroad trestle, leaving it likely to collapse when the next train passes. Oswald tries to drive to the railroad station to warn the stationmaster, but a pair of hillbillies steal Oswald's car, leaving him with their old jalopy.; Oswald wins the "Home-Hope Contest" and has his home redecorated into an ultra-modern, but uncomfortable, residence.; The boys try out all the expensive toys in a shop, but Oswald buys each one a single cheap toy.; Oswald gets dressed in formal riding clothes to ride the wooden horse on a merry-go-round.; Oswald is confused by the road signs at a complex intersection.; Floyd and Lloyd disguise themselves as birds in order to do bird-watching.