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Publisher: Marvel
Title: G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero
Page Count: 36
Genre: Military, Superhero, War
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 1.25 USD; 1.50 CAD; 0.85 GBP
Cover Date: July 1992
Country: United States
Firefly's revealed as the mysterious Red Ninja Warlord from issue 124 and gets the drop on both the Joes and Cobra agents by capturing them all to brainwash to his will via a brainwave scanner. We also learn how he escaped the freighter he was trapped in alongside everyone else in issue #98 by Cobra Commander. Also revealed is Firefly's origins, as he was originally recruited by the Commander in flashbacks to assassinate Snake Eyes, and how Zartan was later brought in to complete the job after Firefly witnesses a ninja challenge involving Snake Eyes showing he would've been no match for him